Your theory has some weight regarding what Jesus might have actually said; but I would be VERY careful in assigning too much weight to "what Jesus said" because none of the Gospels are original to the authors whose names they bear.
Matthew didn't write the Gospel of Matthew; Mark didn't write the Gospel of Mark; and John never wrote the Gospel of John.
Any Bible scholar worth their salt knows that these books are not just part of a game of telephone, but that they are outright forgeries, what scholars like to water-down and call "pseudepigrapha", in essence forgeries written in the name of someone famous.
Does that make the books worthless? Not at all; but we must be careful to remind ourselves that the Bible is not and cannot be the "Word of God" if it contains forgeries. A forgery is after all, a LIE, information pretending to be something it is not. If some pastor is preaching that the Bible is the inerrant, wholly inspired "Word of God", either they need to go back to a better seminary or stop sinning, meaning, stop lying to their congregations. Preaching a "belief" that you know is a lie, a lie contradicted by historical and paleographical fact, will not settle well in the eyes of GOD.