Member-only story
What To Do When You Discover
Your Christian Son Is Gay
The Real-Life Way To Raise A Gay Teen
According to Gallup, you have a 1 in 14 chance of being Gay, or Lesbian, or Bi, or simply not straight. (In this article I will use the umbrella term “gay” to mean any of the above sexual orientations.) As such, being gay, in general, encompasses about 7% of the US population—at least according to Gallup’s methodology, which is “self-identifying”.
However, in my personal experience, I believe that number is much higher, perhaps closer to 1 in 5, or 20% of the population. And depending on where you live, that number could be anywhere in-between—or even higher.
I don’t think “self-identifying” is wholly accurate of the actual genetics either, because the Church still represses people into not admitting what they know about themselves. They just cannot admit, or they feel too fearful to admit, who they really and truly are.
The point is, it’s a BIG number. 7% of the US population is about 23 million people.
Being gay is not the result of culture, or some sin the Church manufactured from the primitive writings of its Bible.
We are gay because it is genetic. Period.