When “Christianholics” Keep Trying To Spread Their Disease

Keith Michael
9 min readDec 28, 2021

Drunk on their own ignorance and religious dogma, some people just cannot help themselves.

Image by Elnur_ via DepositPhotos

If you’re like many (if not most) who have left the Church either recently or in the past decade or so, you still have that friend or family member who seems to have made it their personal mission in life NOT to understand why you left.

Every now and then this person sends you a text, a private message, or an email asking you to read some tract (Christian “witnessing” pamphlet), or passages, or even a whole book from the Bible. As if that simple read will somehow miraculously open the angelic Heavens, erase all of the knowledge we’ve learned through years of deep study; heal all the pain and ill-will we’ve experienced first-hand; and miraculously CHANGE us to the point where we want to return to the taverns of what the Church is; and perhaps more specifically what the people in the Church, are really all about—which is quite frankly all about themselves.

No, to these people who are drunk on their own ignorance and the dogma of their pet denomination’s current holiday sermonizing, WE left Jesus and abandoned God because “Satan has somehow ensnared us with smooth lies” and other such nonsensical drivel.

But now lit on fire by the Church’s holy “spirits”, these friends or family now…



Keith Michael
Keith Michael

Written by Keith Michael

Having spent the better part of 40 years in the Church, I’m on a Crusade with millions of others being led by GOD to Reform the Church. KeithMichael.org

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