The Libertarian in me vehemently disagrees with this conclusion. Qualifications transcend race, religion, sex, whatever. Republicans put a Conservative Black Justice on the bench in vehement opposition by Liberal Democrats.
This is not about race. It's about political stripe. Period. End of story.
Republicans wanted to put a black woman on the high court! back when George W. Bush was POTUS! Janice Rogers Brown was nominated by Conservative Republicans, but then Senator Biden filibustered (threatened to) her nomination!! I guess that makes Biden a RACIST!? No. Because this is about using race as a political football and not really about qualifications.
From the Washington Post:
"President Biden wants credit for nominating the first Black woman to the Supreme Court. But here is the shameful irony: As a senator, Biden warned President George W. Bush that if he nominated the first Black woman to serve on the Supreme Court, he would filibuster and kill her nomination."