Pavane, respectfully, I totally disagree with your view. And please do not say that my comments are "misinformation" as THAT is disrespectful. I have a 130+ IQ, I know what I am talking about.
Legally, in the US, Medium is a "platform" and has no legal right to censor content, despite what its TOS say. That makes them a "publisher" and puts them in danger of losing their FCC Section 230 protections. This is already working its way through US courts.
Adam's piece was well researched and educated analysis, like we all should be doing. Just because Adam disagreed with the current POLITICAL bent of the current occupant of the WH and their minions at the CDCs, et. al., means that the government's FASCISM has indeed invaded private business. There are MANY, MANY private businesses NOT censoring content nor do they agree with the current administration's political positions.
Just because something is an "official" government decree does NOT make it true nor correct. Politicians lie, surprisingly often and for reasons we seldom are allowed to see.
I can find you just as many dissenting studies for every one of the gov't's propaganda studies, gov't studies conducted by politically biased groups.
It has gotten so bad that in some states we are being FORCED to inject ourselves with experimental drugs or lose our jobs. That is the very definition of Fascism and very close to all-out Nazism as well.
Thank you!