“One of the mysteries of the Christian faith is embedded in the doctrine of the Trinity, one God in three persons. How would you explain this mystery to a new believer who is a journalist in your congregation?”
Instead of all of the theological gymnastics, how about just being HONEST?
The truth is the Trinity is not really a mystery.
My answer would be that the Trinity is a MANufactured contradictory dogma of the Roman Catholic Church that was imported into Protestantism out of sheer tradition; furthermore, it has no basis whatsoever in either Hebraic thought nor is it Biblical, even within the Roman Catholic New Testament. Jesus and the Apostles never taught the existence of a Triune god.
My question would be to the bishop: Why are we teaching a lie?
Of course, once the bishop woke up from his fainting spell, I'd be fired and asked not to come back.
But this is the bigger problem with the Church. Tow the party line under contract or you're fired.
I'm sure GOD will honor pastors being untruthful to our congregations in exchange for a paycheck.
Sometimes I wonder if the Church has ever actually listened to GOD in the first place?
What does the Commandment say? Do not bear false witness. (Do not lie.) But it's somehow okay for pastors to lie. Oy.