Martin, what a very thoughtful response. FWIW, I spend hours writing my articles and all of them thoughtfully, and with hopefully the leading of the Holy Spirit.
This particular article was written the way it was on purpose because it was meant as a kind of wake-up call for those people who think and believe they speak for GOD.
I am on a mission of REFORMATION of the Christian Church. My goal is not to destroy but to rebuild the Church without the lies and Paganism that the Church’s False Witness Paul stuffed into it.
The tone of this article was especially pointed for a reason. Some will indeed find its tone abrasive. It’s time people woke the hell up and began to understand that they do not speak for GOD.
That being said, I really appreciate your thoughtful comments. You make some great points, but this article is not meant to be squishy.
Thank you again for writing such a lengthy and heart-felt response!