John didn't writhe the GOSPEL of John nor the epistles that bear his name.
Yes, I cherry-pick from the Scriptures because there are false things within them. (See Jeremiah 8:8)
The way to know if you are reading something false within the scriptures is if it voids the Golden Rule, demands that GOD somehow needed a sacrifice to forgive, or makes Jesus into that (human) sacrifice. These would not be the words nor commands of GOD. GOD never once asked for sacrifice ...
“I gave your ancestors no commands about burnt offerings or any other kinds of sacrifices when I brought them out of Egypt. But I did command them to obey me, so that I would be their God and they would be my people. (Jeremiah 7:22)
FWIW, mainstream Christianity cherry-picks from the Scriptures all day long. In fact, Christians utterly blow-off the First, Second, and Fourth Commandments. Talk about cherry-picking ...
Have a great day, Di.