Jeff, wnen you place provisos like "with any credibility" and "agrees 00%" you effectively setup a nothing request that anyone can wiggle out of. NO ONE, not even people in your neck of the woods agree 100% and so-called "credible" is a personal definition. What you create is a Bandwagon Fallacy. Just because a majority believes X does not mean X is true.
In any event, there are plenty of theologians, both ancient and modern who all acknowledge my postions. F.W. Baere, Hyam McCoby, Dr. Bart Ehrman, William Barclay, Dr. Martin Luther Kink, Jr., even the authors of the Clementine Homilies going back to the 3rd century. AND I would agree with the Prophet Jeremiah in chapters 7 and 8 which I have previously mentioned.
All of these references and more are footnoted within my book. This is not by any stretch of the imagination original research.
I have a mouintain of research on my side ... I've not seen any on yours. Care to share?