Jameson, it's not that I "refuse" to accept the writings of Paul as being part of "all scripture" (yet another quote of Paul), I do not ascribe Paul's writing to be Scripture in the first place. The reason is because Paul would never have ascribed his own letters as being "scripture". Paul wrote the phrase "all scripture is God-breathed" nearly a century before the early Roman Catholic Church fathers would include his letters into their canon. Ergo, Paul never called his own letters "scripture". He was only referring to the loose collection of books, most likely within the LXX, or what you would call the Old Testament.
Also, the Apostle Peter is NOT the author of the books of Peter. So attempting to use Peter to prove Paul, is utterly without merit. The letters of Peter are pseudepigrapha, complete forgeries. Any honest Christian scholar worth their salt will tell you this. Not even Calvin believed Peter to be the author of 2 Peter especially.
So here we have forgeries, within the Bible ... did GOD really put forgeries into the Bible? Or was it just the Roman Catholic Church who did so and then put words into the mouth of GOD? I think you know the answer to that ... Peace.