I'm sorry. I stopped reading at this comment. You have to realize that you are allowing your political opinion to turn you evil, right? This means that you are willing to kill people over their rights over their own bodies.
This above sentence is the very essence of evil.
I'm sorry, but you are behaving in a fashion in that you are willing to treat others as you would not want someone treating you.—and over little more than a political view. This is also the very essence of fascism.
You need to realize that forcing people into your political will or view over a perceived issue of safety makes you a Nazi by definition. This is precisely what Heinrich Himmler did under Hitler. Have you never studied this history?
Safety or not, as Human beings we cannot allow the political views of others to dictate basic human rights—even if we perceive those rights to be harmful. Our perceptions may not be correct, merely confirmation bias fueled by government propaganda.
Sorry. But I don't see how we are going to agree here. I cannot converse with someone who believes it is okay to advocate or behave in such an evil fashion.
Good day.