I guess the Backyard Church must really be presenting you with a conundrum and crisis of faith for you to spending so much time and text condemning someone who used to be part of a FAILING Church?
A Church that is LOSING MEMBERSHIP by the millions each year, to the point where the Christian Church is now a minority of Americans.
A Church that lies its ass off when it created its lying version of Jesus within a Bible that has been corrected so many times it can only be considered inerrant if you're again lying your ass off.
Maybe there's a DEEPER REASON people are leaving the PAGAN Christian Church—a reason that is just beyond your grasp because you're too blinded by your own pet dogma to see what GOD wants to show you?
Probably instead of CRITICIZING your brother, you should be asking yourself, WHY did my brother leave? What is he seeing that I am not?
Why Jesus Left the Church