Finding Spiritual Freedom
Breaking Free of Christianity
How others are leaving the cult of the Christian Church
As the Christian Church continues to decline, losing membership year after year, the one thing the leaders of the Church struggle with is WHY? Why is this happening? Why is the Church after all these centuries losing membership faster than it is gaining new converts? Why are churches closing their doors?
To those of us who have left the Church the answers are obvious.
But the leaders within the Church, your local pastor, the local elder, the regional bishop or conference president, the archbishop, and of course the General Conference leadership and even the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church, do not want to hear it—the truth, that is.
Because they are too invested in clinging to the LIE to see the TRUTH.
Instead of actually listening to us, the Church leadership, it seems, simply cannot hear us; in fact, they really don’t want to hear us. And if they do begin to hear our reasons for leaving they either dismiss our concerns, bully us with more of their ridiculous dogma, or they write us off as hell-bound children of the devil.