Actually, Mike, you DO see the point here; you're simply struggling with it. AND THAT'S OKAY! It is. Let it simmer. And yes, I have shown us what the real Jesus and what the real GOD of the universe looks like, you're just not happy with seeing that the Church lied to you, to me, to all of us.
Jesus is not Mithras that the RCC made him into. Jesus was not a rehash of some pagan god, he was a mashiach, a messiah, a prophet who showed us GOD in a way that was not pagan for once.
I know you don't think so, but the message was not incomplete, not really. We simply need to stop looking at the Church for them to tell us what to believe. That is what got us into this mess to begin with.
And you're right that I don't tell people what to think about Jesus, and that is on purpose. Not because I don't have my own thoughts about that, but people need to be allowed to come to their own conclusions.
If I were to run around saying "Jesus is not GOD", that gets us nowhere because people have very deep feelings for Jesus and I am a nobody. I'm not here to destroy what people want to think, but I am here to destroy the lies the Church created and open us up to the historical truths that have been hidden from us.
The message is not really incomplete, people need to be allowed to think for themselves and come to their own conclusions about who and what they believe Jesus and GOD really are.